Math, asked by aikanshkumar9244, 1 year ago

Difference between heuristic search and blind search


Answered by Ayush4722

Blind Search - searching without information.

For example : BFS (one of blind search method). We just generate all successor state (child node) for currentstate (current node) and find is there a goal state among them, if isn't we will generate one of child node's successor and so on. Because we don't have information, so just generate all.

Heuristic Seach- searching with information.

For example : A* Algorithm. We choose our next state based on cost and 'heuristic information' with heuristic function.

Case Example : find shortest path.

with Blind search we just trying all location (brute force).

with Heuristic, say we have information about distance between start point and each available location. We will use that to determine next location.

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