difference between homogenous and heterogeneous mixture
In HoMoGeNoUs MiXtUrE tHe CoMpOnEnTs ArE dIsTrIbUtEd UnIfOrMlY tHeN iT iS sAiD tO bE hOmOgEnOuS mIxTuRe.
Eg:-SaLt WaTeR, lEmOnAdE.
In HeTeRoGeNoUs MiXtEr ThE cOmPoNeTs ArE nOt DiStRiBuTeD uNiFoRmLy iS sAiD tO bE HeTeRoGeNoUs.
Eg:-WhEn SaNd Is AdDeD iN tO wAtER.
Homogeneous Mixture :
• It is made up two or more substances when they are completely mixed together and do not react with each other.
• The Composition remains uniform throughout.
•The Component of the Mixture cannot be separated by visible boundaries.
•Example: A mixture of salt and water, ethanol with water.
Heterogeneous Mixture :
•In this mixture the substances remain separated from each other and one substance spreads throughout the other as tiny particles.
• The composition does not remain uniform throughout.
•The components of the mixture can be separated by visible boundaries.
•Examples: A mixture of sand and sugar, chalk and water.