Biology, asked by suzisujay2369, 9 months ago

Difference between hydrothorax and pneumothorax in words


Answered by jmayur389


What Is Hemothorax?

Hemothorax refers to the presence of blood in the pleural cavity. Hemo- means blood and -thorax means chest. The pleural cavity is located in the chest. It's the space between the lungs and inner chest wall, sort of like the space between a nut and the inside of its shell, where the nut is like our lung.

The accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity most often occurs as a result of trauma. So, if something penetrates the chest wall, the lungs, and the large vessels in the chest, then the result may be a hemothorax.

However, other things can cause a hemothorax, including:


A pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs)


Severe infections involving the lungs or chest


Here's the deal. If blood accumulates in the pleural space, the lungs can't inflate properly, if at all. This results in shortness of breath. In severe cases, it may cause respiratory failure.

What Is Pneumothorax?

Unlike hemothorax, the word pneumothorax refers to air in the pleural space. Pneumo- can refer to the lungs or air and -thorax means chest, just as before. So, in this case, it's not blood that is found in the pleural cavity, it's air. This is just as bad for proper breathing as a hemothorax is. That's because air exerts a pressure on the

Answered by krishna210398


Explanation: Hemothorax refers to the presence of blood in the pleural cavity. Hemo- means blood and -thorax means chest. The pleural cavity is located in the chest. It's the space between the lungs and inner chest wall, sort of like the space between a nut and the inside of its shell, where the nut is like our lung. Whereas Pneumothorax refers to air in the pleural space. Pneumo- can refer to the lugs or air and -thorax means chest, just as before. So, in this case, it's not blood that is found in the pleural cavity, it's air.


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