Difference between inspiration and expiration...
✨ Inspiration:
Inhalation of oxygen in the lungs is called as inspiration.
in the inspiration internal respiration takes place.
✨ Expiration:
Expiration date is often abbreviated EXP or ED. The legal definition and usage of the term expiration date will vary between countries and products.
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*Difference between Inspiration and Expiration
1. It is an active process.
2. Contraction of external intercostals muscles and relaxations and internal intercostals muscles occur.
3. Rib cages move forward and outward.
4. Diaphragm contracts and becomes flattened.
5. Increase in volume of thoracic cavity.
6. Air pressure in lungs is less than atmospheric pressure.
7. Intake of air into lungs.
1. It is a passive process.
2. Relaxations of external intercostals muscles and Contraction of internal intercostals muscles occur.
3. Rib cages move downward and inward.
4. Diaphragm relaxes and becomes original dome shaped.
5. Decrease in volume of thoracic cavity.
6. Air pressure in lungs is higher than atmospheric pressure.
7. Expulsion of air from the lungs.