Difference between khadins and johads
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A khadin, also called a dhora, is an ingenious construction designed to harvest surface runoff water for agriculture. Its main feature is a very long (100-300 m) earthen embankment built across the lower hill slopes lying below gravelly uplands. Sluices and spillways allow excess water to drain off.
in Punjab state of India
A johad is a community owned rainwater storage tank wetland principally used in the state of Harayana and Rajasthanof India, that collects and stores water throughout the year, to be used for the purpose of recharging the groundwater in the nearby water wells, washing, bathing and drinking by humans and cattle. Some johads also have bricked or stones masonry and cemented ghat (series of steps and/or ramp). Johads also cater to resident and seasonal migrant birds as well as wildlife from the nearby bani (forest).
in Punjab state of India
A johad is a community owned rainwater storage tank wetland principally used in the state of Harayana and Rajasthanof India, that collects and stores water throughout the year, to be used for the purpose of recharging the groundwater in the nearby water wells, washing, bathing and drinking by humans and cattle. Some johads also have bricked or stones masonry and cemented ghat (series of steps and/or ramp). Johads also cater to resident and seasonal migrant birds as well as wildlife from the nearby bani (forest).
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A Khadin is an earthen embankment or bund, built across lower hill slopes, which helps to capture and store surface run-off water, especially from rain. The water-soaked land is subsequently used for growing crops. Khadins are usually found in Rajasthan.
A Johad is a storage tank for capturing and storing rainwater, for subsequent use for drinking. It is usually maintained by the community and common in the north-western states of India.
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