Biology, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Difference between Kharif and Rabi Crops?

Answer with a brief explanation and examples.​


Answered by Anonymous


The difference Between Rabi and Kharif Crops is that Kharif and Rabi are the two cultivation patterns that are adopted in many Asian countries, depending on the monsoon. The Kharif crop growing season begins with the beginning of the monsoon and ends when the rainy season ends. On the other hand, Rabi crops are grown in winter, that is, they are sown when the monsoon ends and they are harvested before the advent of the summer season.Kharif crops require hot and humid weather, while cold and dry weather is best suited for Rabi crops. Precipitation plays an important role in the yield of the two types of crops, in the sense that rain is good for Kharif crops, while it can ruin the yield of Rabi crops.

Answered by navyamadhumohan

explanation :

kharif crops :

they are shown in monsoon season . They need more water to grow. (example) : rice , maize , groundnut .

Rabi crops :

they are sown in winter . They need less water and cooler temperatures to grow . (example) : wheat , gram , and mustard .

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