difference between liberals and democrats
A liberal is someone that believes in the concept of liberalism which is an ideological and political philosophy. They often have an array of viewpoints, but their core belief centers on equality and freedom. These may range from gender equality to freedom of speech. The concept of liberalism has been in existence for several centuries now and has always supported point of views which are in favor of equality. A democrat, on the other hand, is a person that is in support of the Democratic Party and does not make reference to their ideologies. The major difference is in seen the moment you leave mainstream American politics. It is worthy of note that communists and Socialists are also liberal by nature. Both categories of groups have liberal views even though they do not engage in American politics. It, therefore, suffices to say that most Democrats are liberal but not all Liberals are Democrats.
Roughly 19% to 26% of the American public is liberal depending on survey and method. Liberals vote mostly in favor of the Democratic Party, constituting roughly 43% of the Democratic base. Liberalism tends to be most prominent in academia and among those with higher levels of education.