Difference between light and heavy industry according to 4 mark question
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In the field of manufacturing, the distinction between light and heavy industries is easily identified. However, for those who are unfamiliar with these terms, it’s easy to confuse them with one another.
In the field of manufacturing, the distinction between light and heavy industries is easily identified. However, for those who are unfamiliar with these terms, it’s easy to confuse them with one another.To than as intermediates for use of other industries. Their facilities normally have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. For that very reason, zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas.
than as intermediates for use of other industries. Their facilities normally have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. For that very reason, zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas.In general, light industries require fewer raw materials, space and power. A light industry uses small amounts of light raw materials to produce light goods e.g. computers or mobile phones. Light industries usually include electronics and assembly industries, and it’s good for them to be near research facilities, in a clustered group, or near high class transport like motorways and railways.
than as intermediates for use of other industries. Their facilities normally have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. For that very reason, zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas.In general, light industries require fewer raw materials, space and power. A light industry uses small amounts of light raw materials to produce light goods e.g. computers or mobile phones. Light industries usually include electronics and assembly industries, and it’s good for them to be near research facilities, in a clustered group, or near high class transport like motorways and railways.Light industries are usually located in business parks, industrial estates, investment parks, and of course, science parks. They include sectors of the food industry, paper making, plastic, leather, textiles, and household electric appliances. Although, they usually cause little pollution, particularly compared with heavy industry, some light industries can cause significant pollution or risk of contamination, so they have to be monitored regularly.
than as intermediates for use of other industries. Their facilities normally have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. For that very reason, zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas.In general, light industries require fewer raw materials, space and power. A light industry uses small amounts of light raw materials to produce light goods e.g. computers or mobile phones. Light industries usually include electronics and assembly industries, and it’s good for them to be near research facilities, in a clustered group, or near high class transport like motorways and railways.Light industries are usually located in business parks, industrial estates, investment parks, and of course, science parks. They include sectors of the food industry, paper making, plastic, leather, textiles, and household electric appliances. Although, they usually cause little pollution, particularly compared with heavy industry, some light industries can cause significant pollution or risk of contamination, so they have to be monitored regularly.With regard to heavy industry, they essentially involve large and heavy products, large and heavy equipment and facilities (such as large machine tools, huge buildings, and large-scale infrastructure), or complex or numerous process.