Difference between lok adalat and permanent lok adalat
The word Lok Adalat means ‘Peoples Court’ and it has statutory status under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 therefore it is one of the Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in India. It defined ‘as a forum where voluntary effort aimed at bringing about settlement of disputes between the parties is made through conciliatory and pervasive efforts‘. Resolving disputes through lok adalat not only minimize litigation expenses because it also saves the time of both the parties. It’s conducting days are fixed in a month in advance on a saturdays or sundays only or holidays
Permanent Lok Adalat
The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 was amended in 2002 which brings Section 22-B for the establishment of permanent lok adalat. It is a permanent body and headed by the chairman and two members for providing compulsory pre-litigative mechanism for conciliation and settlement of cases relating to Public Utility Services.