Difference between lokshabha and rajyasabha in hindi
Lok Sabha is known as Lower House of Parliament.Lok Sabha is called as ‘House of People’ because it is composed of representatives of people who are elected by the voters in the country. The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is 552 members in which up to 530 members represent different states, up to 20 members represent the Union Territories and 2 members which are nominated by the President of India represent Anglo- Indian community.
The Rajya Sabha originated in 1919 by the pursuance of Government of India Act, 1919. Rajya Sabha is known as Upper House of Parliament. Rajya Sabha is known as ‘Council Of States” because it is composed of representatives which are elected by the elected representatives of Assemblies of state and union territories.
- lower house of parliament
- maximum strength is 552 members
- prime minister is the leader of lokshabha
- lokshabha operates for 5 year
- to become a member of lokshabha ,the qualifying age is 25 years
- upper house of parliament.
- maximum strength is 250 members
- vice President of India act as the chairman
- Rajya sabha is a permanent body
- to become a member of rajyasabha ,the qualifying age is 30 year.
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