❎❎Difference between meiosis and mitosis division❓❎❎
Meiosis is a complex type of cell division which occurs only in diploid cells and involves halving the chromosome number, typically from two sets (diploid) to one set(haploid). Hence, it is also known as reduction division.
On the other hand, mitosis is a simple type of cell division in which a cell divides into two daughter cells retaining the same chromosome complement (number).
There can be many differences between both of these :-
Mitosis is equational division with only one stage (M Phase), whereas meiosis is reductional division with two stages (Meiosis I and Meiosis II).
Mitosis occurs in both haploid and diploid cells throughout the life of a multicellular organism whereas meiosis occurs only in diploid cells at the time of sexual reproduction.
In mitosis, 2 diploid daughter cells are produced while in Meiosis, 4 haploid daughter cells are produced.
In mitosis, the chromosome number remains the same in the daughter cells as that of the mother cell. In Meiosis, the chromosome number is halved to obtain haploid gametes.
In mitosis, the prophase is comparatively simple and short while in Meiosis, the Prophase-I is complex and long having five sub-phases :- Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis.
Mitosis occurs in all general body cells and somatic cells. Meiosis takes place only in reproductive cells of the gonads (testes, ovaries, etc).
In mitosis, crossing over and recombinations do not occur. Hence there are no variations in the offsprings. On the other hand, crossing over occurs in the Pachytene stage of Prophase-I of Meiosis which leads to genetic recombinations and helps in introducing large variations in the offsprings.
In mitosis, there is no pairing of homologous chromosomes (synapsis and formation of bivalent chromosomes) which is an integral step taking place during Zygotene stage of Prophase-I of Meiosis.
Now, all this information may help you to easily differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. Regarding the question you asked, points 5, 7 and 8 would be helpful. Please read those three if you are a busy person (no pun intended) and can't read the whole article.
(Hope you find this helpful.
Mitosis is the division of body cells and meiosis is the division of the sex cells.
1) This division takes place in somatic cells and as a result of this growth occurs.
2) Completed in one stage.
3) Prophase is smaller (when compared to prophase of Meiosis).
4) No crossing over takes place.
5) Synapsis does not take place at metaphase.
6) At metaphase, centromere is towards equatorial plate and ends of chromosomes towards poles. Centromere divides.
7) Chromatids are long and thin.
8) Cytokinesis follows karyokinesis.
1) It takes place in reproductive cells
2) Completed in two stages.
3) Prophase longer than prophase of mitosis and divided into five substages.
4) Crossing over takes place in which exchange of segments of chromatids occurs.
5) Synapsis between homologous chromosomes takes place (bivalent stage).
6) At metaphase I, the centromere is towards poles and ends of chromosomes towards equatorial plate. Centromere does not divide.
7) Chromatids are shorter and thick
8) After Telophase I, cytokinesis does not takes place always.
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