difference between meristematic tissue and permanent tissue?
Meristematic tissue is found in the tips of roots, stems and branches.
Meristematic tissue is found in the tips of roots, stems and branches.Permanent tissue is found in the bark, soft cells of plants, and leaf of the plant.
types of meristematic tissue
there are three types of meristematic tissue:
1. apical meristem: it is located on the tip of the root and stem which helps in the growth of plants. it is further divided into shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem.
2. primary meristem: there are three kinds of primary meristems. protoderm(develops into epidermis), procambium( develops into primary xylem and phloem), ground meristem (develops into the cortex and the pith).
3. secondary meristem: it is also called a lateral meristem because it is around the established cell that helps to grow laterally. there are two types of lateral meristems, vascular cambium (produces secondary xylem and secondary phloem), and cork cambium (produces the periderm which replaces the epidermis).
Types of Permanent Tissue
There are two types of permanent tissues.
1. Simple Permanent Tissue: They are called simple permanent tissue as they are composed of only one type of cell. All the cells which make simple permanent tissue is made up of the same tissue and have a similar structure. Further, it is divided into three types, namely, parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.
2. Complex Permanent Tissue: It is composed of more than one type of cell and helps to perform some special functions. Some of the examples are xylem and phloem.
Meristematic Tissues Permanent Tissue
Capacity to divide
Can divide Cannot divide
Cell Composition
Undifferentiated cells. Differentiated cells
Simple/Complex tissues
Always simple tissues, composing of one type of cell only Can be simple or complex tissue.
If complex, contains more than one type of cells
Nature of cells
Always Living cells Can be non-living(Sclerenchyma) or living(Parenchyma)
Cytoplasm in cells
Contains dense cytoplasm. May or may not contain cytoplasm
Prominent nucleus
Always Prominent in some cells (Parenchyma) while absent in others(Sclerenchyma)
Pace of cell division
Rapid Completely differentiated,. do not divide
Size and shape of cells
1.Size – small
Shape – isodiametric
Lumen – large
2 .Size – large
Shape – varies
Lumen – very narrow or wide
Cell arrangement
Compactly arranged.
No intercellular spaces
Loose in some(Parenchyma)
Compact in some(Sclerenchyma)
Usually absent Vacuoles present in living cells. But dead cells lack protoplasm
Metabolic rate
Very high. Very less or no metabolism at all