Difference between micro and macro climate
Micro climate is set of weather conditions differing from surrounding areas often with slight difference but sometimes with a huge one.
Term refers to areas small as few square meters or square feet or large as various square kilometers/miles. Climate which tells spatial and temporal variation of mean values of elaborating parameters within a region which consists over time sets of statistically perfect conditions i.e. micro climates.
Macro-climate is climate of larger area such as a country. Micro-climate the variations in localised climate around a building.
Both climate has a very significant effect on both energy and environmental performance of buildings and in both in heating season and summer.
Difference between micro and macro climate
- The microclimate is the climate that climate of a larger area and the micro is the localized climate of a region or place and the microclimate is due to the variation of the specific characteristic of the solar, wind and the water exposure.
- The microclimate similar know for the climatic condition that differs from the and depends on the scope of the considerations, for example, the microclimate of the tree extended into the air surrounding the tree and grassy surface and may be relatively a shallow layer and results in the valley because of the special topography.
- The macros climate is consists of the global and the regional landscape and considered to be a climate of the homogeneous layer.
Know more about the difference of the micro and the macros climate.
- https://brainly.in/question/8556710 answered by Qwlion