Biology, asked by hs0934183, 11 months ago

difference Between milch and drought animals​


Answered by prkashyap


Milch animals refers to those that yield milk. For example cows, goats etc. The cattle that are used for doing labour in the fields such as carting, irrigation, tilling etc are called draught animals.

hope this will help uu

Answered by headkiller


Milch animals and drought animals difference


Milch animals include cows buffalo sheep and goats .The females of these species give us milk and are reared on large scale dairy farms .The males are useful in agriculture

The animals whose muscle power are utilised in various ways foe example plough and pludder and give motive pover to electrical devices.

Draught animals uses are

1.Hauling carts, and sledges in snow covered regions

2.Pulling agricultural implements

3-Carrying loads on back etc

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