difference between neurovascular and neurological
The neurovascular assessment of the extremities is performed to evaluate sensory and motor function (“neuro”) and peripheral circulation (“vascular”). The components of the neurovascular assessment include pulses, capillary refill, skin color, temperature, sensation, and motor function.
A thorough neurologic assessment will include assessing mental status, cranial nerves, motor and sensory function, pupillary response, reflexes, the cerebellum, and vital signs. However, unless you work in a neuro unit, you won't typically need to perform a sensory and cerebellar assessment
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A neurovascular bundle is a structure that binds nerves and veins with connective tissue so that they travel in tandem through the body.
neurology – the branch of medicine that deals with problems affecting the nervous system. The word neuro means nerve and nervous system. You can read more about the brain and spine and the nervous system here. ... A neurological condition may often result in some degree of disability