Difference between numerial and non-numerical constant
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Types of constant in C++:
There are two types of constants in C++:
• Numeric constant
• Non-numeric constant
Numeric constant:
These have numeric value having arrangement of sequence of digits i.e. from 0-9 as alone digit or arrangement of 0-9 with or without decimal point having positive or negative sign.
Non numeric constant:
Non-numeric constants have either only character or assembly of characters or a character with backslash used for special drive.
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Difference between numerial and non-numerical constant:
Numeric Constant:
- A Numeric Constant has a numerical value with a combination of a sequence of digit i.e. from '0-9' as a 'single digit' or a 'combination of 0-9' with or without a 'decimal point' (precision value) with a 'positive or negative sign'.
NON-Numeric constant:
- A NON-Numeric constant has 'either a single character' or 'group of characters' or a 'character with backslash' used for a 'special purpose'.
- These are of two types Character constants and String constants. Character constants are single-character constants and used in a single quote. A string constant is a sequence of double quotes enclosed characters.
To know more
Differentiate between numeric and string constants
Difference between numeric constant and alphanumeric constant
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