Difference between object oriented database and distributed database
OODBMS is a DBMS which allows information to be represented in the form of objects as used in object-oriented programming.
RDBMS is based on the relational model and data in a RDMS are stored in the form of related tables
OODBMSs use object-oriented model while the RDBMSs use the relational model.
OODBMS can store/ access complex data more efficiently than RDBMS. But learning OODBMS can be complex due to the object-oriented technology, compared to learning RDBMS.
A relational databases relies on the relational model, on the other hand a object database relies on the OOP. The relational model organizes information in a set of tables each are composed of rows and columns. ... In a object oriented database each element resembles a object from the object oriented paradigm.