Difference between one and multidimensional array in tabular form
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An array is a collection of variables that are of similar data types and are referred by a common name. A specific element in an array is accessed by a particular index of that array. Arrays in Java work differently as compared to C++. The main topic of our discussion is the difference between One-dimension and Two-Dimension array. A one-dimensional array is a list of variables with the same datatype, whereas the two-Dimensional array is ‘array of arrays’ having similar data types. C++ do not have bound checking on arrays whereas, Java have strict bound checking on arrays.
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An array keeps track of multiple pieces of information in linear order, a one-dimensional list. However, the data associated with certain systems (a digital image, a board game, etc.) lives in two dimensions. To visualize this data, we need a multi-dimensional data structure, that is, a multi-dimensional array. A two-dimensional array is really nothing more than an array of arrays (a three-dimensional array is an array of arrays of arrays). Think of your dinner. You could have a one-dimensional list of everything you eat:
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