Difference between organisation management and administration
Organization’s business is to connect works and staff of an institution
1. Administration’s work is to set/decide the aim and ethics/law of an institution
1. Management’s aim is to manage the work done by others according to specific ethics.
2. It is a component of management.
2. Composition and organization of planning is done by administration.
2. It’s working periphery is comprehensive. Along with planning and organization it also includes: adding of command, direction.
3. The work of management is done
by administration. It is the —– management
3. Administration is the creator
of organization. The work of management is done by this organization.
3. Management done its job by organization.
4. Organization works as a neuron
of a human body.
4. Administration erects an
institution like body creator.
4. Management works as a whole
5. As to the planning, It is the foundation of the workplace.
5. It get the responsibility – Legislation of planning.
5. It supervises the works
execution of staffs according to planning.
6. Organization is the field of
working together staff-groups of every grade of an institution.
6. Administration is center of
fulfilling the works of higher-level staffs.
6. Management is the applying
field of given works to higher and lower level staffs.
7. It’s work is organizational.
7. It’s work is to apply rules,
regulation and law.
7. It’s work is to convert rules
and regulations to work.
8. Organizations work expressed
through work and applying.
8. Administration’s work
expressed through mind and thoughts.
8. Managemental work also
expressed through work and apply.
9. Organization is effective machinery for accomplishing.
company objectives in a team spirit.
9. Administration gives proper direction, it is a directing function.
9. Management properly executes,it is a execution function.
10. Organization has been termed the keystone on which the entire structure of any enterprise is based.
10. for effective functioning of
administration proper structuring of the enterprise is must.
10. for effective functioning of maagement proper strun cturing of the enterprise is must.