Difference between Pavement epithelium and Glandular epithelium
Epithelial tissue covers the body surface and forms the lining for most internal cavities. ... glandular epithelium are specialized for secretion. lining epithelium simply lines organs like the stomach.
Pavement epithelium | Glandular epithelium
1. It is single layered epithelial 1. It is modified form of columnar
tissue in which cells are thin epithelium tissue in which cells are having centrally placed nucleus. specialized for manufacture
and secretion of chemical of
2. It protects filtrates and make path 2. It secretes enzymes, hormones,
for liquid and gases. sweat, saliva etc.
3. It is located in the form of lining 3. It is located at various endocrine
in skin, heart, kidneys, etc. and exocrine glands.