Difference between peninsular rivers and himalayan rivers ?
These rivets originate from the lofty Himalayan ranges and are named as the Himalayan rivers.These rivers originate in the Peninsular Plateau and are named as Peninsular rivers.
Indian rivers are divided into Himalayan Rivers and
Peninsular Rivers
i) Most of the Himalayan Rivers are perennial. It means
that they have water throughout
the year. These rivers receive water from rain as well as
from melted snow from the lofty
mountains where as a large number of the peninsular
rivers are seasonal, as their flow is dependent on rainfall.
During the dry season, even the large Peninsular rivers
reduced flow of water in their channels.
ii) The Himalayan Rivers have cut through the mountains
making gorges where as
Peninsular rivers do not.
iii) The Himalayan rivers have longer courses from their
source to the sea compared to the Peninsular rivers.
iv) The Himalayan rivers perform intensive erosional
activity in their upper courses and
carry huge loads of silt and sand whereas peninsular rivers
do not.
v) In the middle and the lower courses, the Himalayan
rivers form meanders, oxbow lakes, and many other
depositional features in their floodplains whereas
peninsular rivers do
vi) The Himalayan Rivers have well
-developed deltas.