difference between pipelining and sequential processing
A sequential processor permits interrupts between instructions, but a pipelining processor overlaps instructions, so executing an uninterruptible instruction renders portions of ordinary instructions uninterruptible too.
Pipelining and sequential processing.
Sequential processing-Sequential processing executes instructions in the sequence in which they are written in the program. After a measurement is made, the result is converted to a value determined by processing arguments that are included in the measurement instruction, and then program execution proceeds to the next instruction. This line-by-line execution allows writing conditional measurements into the program.
Pipeline Processing-Pipeline Processing handles measurement, most digital, and processing tasks separately, and, in many cases, simultaneously. Measurements are scheduled to execute at exact times and with the highest priority, resulting in more precise timing of measurements, and usually more efficient processing and power consumption. In pipeline mode, it will take less time for the data logger to execute each scan of the program. However, because processing can lag behind measurements, there could be instances, such as when turning on a sensor using the SW12() instruction, that the sensor might not be on at the correct time to make the measurement. Pipeline scheduling requires that the program be written such that measurements are executed every scan. Because multiple tasks are taking place at the same time, the sequence in which the instructions are executed may not be in the order in which they appear in the program. Therefore, conditional measurements are not allowed in pipeline mode. Because of the precise execution of measurement instructions, processing in the current scan (including updating public variables and data storage) is delayed until all measurements are complete. Some processing, such as transferring variables to control instructions, like Port Set() , may not be completed until the next scan.
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