Physics, asked by chidu7774, 1 year ago

Difference between power spectrum and energy spectrum


Answered by preetydave


Stationary signals (like sine tones) have usually a finite power but integrated over time you will end with infinite energy. This is why Power Spectral Density (PSD) is defined based on power rather than on energy.

Energy Spectral Density(PSD)” and “Power Spectral Density(PSD)" are Commonly features in sound and vibration.

Both B&K and LMS has these Features. But Labview doesn't have the "energy Spectral Density ", It only offer the "Power Spectral Density VI".

Answered by itzXtylishAbhi


modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of elements,what was the experiment which proved the significance of atomic number from the following

1)mullikan's oil drop experiment

2)moseley's work on x-ray spectra

3)Bragg's work on X-ray diffraction

4)discovery of x-rays by rongten

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