Difference between primitive subsistence farming, intensive subsistence farming and commercial farming?
◆ Primitive subsistence farming.
● This type of farming is still practised in the small pockets of the country.
● Primitive subsistence farming include the use of primitive goods such as hoe, digging sticks, etc.
● These are cultivated mainly by small farmers by using this primitive tools.
● the outcome of this type of farming is mainly in small amount
● slash and Burn agriculture is another type in this
● In slash and Burn agriculture the farmer clears a patch of land and burns it ,later the ash is mixed with the soil and new crops are grown
◆ Intensive subsistence farming
● this type of farming is practised in the areas where there is a large pressure on the land
● farmers uses large number of inputs so as to get maximum outputs from their limited land .
● though the right inheritance has rendered the land uneconomical farmers uses high doses of input in this limited land
◆ commercial farming
● this type of farming is characterized by the use of large amount of inputs such as h y v seeds, chemical fertilizers etc.
● This includes large amount of labour .
● This type of farming is having large amount of output also.
●for example , rice is a commercial crop in Punjab and Haryana but in Odisha it is a primitive and subsistence crop
● plantation for also a type of commercial farming
● In plantations, a same type of crop is grown over a large area . This is also a labour intensive farming .
Answer: Primitive Subsistence
1. It is practised on small patches of land.
2. Primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks, and family community labour are used.
3. In this type of farming, farmers depend on the monsoons and natural fertility of the soil.
4. Land productivity in this type of agriculture is low.
Intensive Subsistence
I. It is practised on bigger land holdings.
2. Modern inputs like HYV seeds, chemical fertilisers, insecticides, etc., to obtain higher productivity are used.
3. In intensive subsistence, irrigation facilities like tubewells and canal irrigation is used.
4. Land productivity is high as it is meant for commercial purposes.
1. It is practiced on small patches of land.
2. This type of farming depend upon nature fertility and monsoons.
3. Primitive tools are used like hoe , dao , and digging sticks, family labour .
4. It is also known as slash and burn agriculture.
Commercial subsistence farming
1. It is practiced on large patches of land.
2. In this type of farming modern inputs are used like chemicals, fertiliser, and HYV seeds.
3. In this type of farming irrigation facilities and machines are used to plough land.
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