Difference between regional stock exchange and national stock exchange
Stock Exchange is a marketplace, where securities can be freely traded between investors with the help of members i.e. brokers. It is a great platform for purchasing and selling securities, debt and derivatives. It is a key indicator of financial strength of the country’s economy. In India, there are two major stock exchanges, Bombay Stock Exchange, and National stock exchange. Bombay Stock Exchange is shortly known as BSE; it is the first stock exchange of the continent.
On the contrary, National Stock Exchange, abbreviated as NSE is the first stock exchange which introduced an advanced electronic trading system in the country. To a layman, there is no difference between these two exchanges, but there slight and subtle points of distinction amidst the two, which are explained in the article below.
Content: BSE Vs NSE
Comparison Chart
Key Differences
Comparison Chart
Introduction Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest financial market in the country, which offers high speed trading to its customers. National Stock Exchange is the biggest capital market of the country. The exchange is a front runner in the introduction of the fully automated, electronic trading system across the nation.
Founded in 1875 1992
Benchmark index Sensex Nifty
Total listed companies (April 2015) 5650 1740
Market Capitalization Around 1.68 trillion Around 1.5 trillion
Global Rank 10th 11th
Network Over 400 cities Over 2000 cities