Difference between standardization and simplification
Standardization is a technique in which company establishes a standard such as product dimensions, size, quality and then company produces product on the basis of that standard. For example a manufacturing company produces shaft of standard shape and size.
Simplification is the technique of reducing the diversity among the products. It is the process of minimizing product items to restrict production of useless products.
Note: Simplification and standardization are closely related to each other. To get full benefit of standardization there is always a need of implementing simplification.
The term standardization and simplification are completely different in there meaning of explanation. Standardization means, creating a set of standards for a particular, which shall determine anything as good or bad, whereas the term simplification means, making complex things easier to understand.
There are standards made for various reasons, one of the most popular standards known by many people, is the ISO standard, which determines the quality of any product, on the basis of there predefined standards in ISO. In the process of simplification, some of the unnecessary complexities are eliminated from system which does effects the functioning of the system, to make the whole system a better one and easy to understand.