difference between subsistence and commercial farming
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➡Commercial Farming is that Practice Of Farming in Which Crops are grown For trade
➡This is practice on large farm
➡This is capital intensive farming
➡modern technology and implements are used
➡Subsistence farming is that practice of farming in which farmer and his family's grow crops for home consumption
➡This is practiced on small farms
➡this is labor intensive Farming
➡old Technology and Implements are used
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● Subsistence Farming
a. Crops are cultivated for sustenance
b. No crop specialisation
c. Practised in developing countries
d. Farms size is small
e. Farm work is mainly done by hands
●Commercial Farming
a. Crops are cultivated for sale in the market
b. Crop specialization
c. Practised in developed countries
d. Farms size is large
e. Machines are used in farming