Difference between subsitence and intensive farming
subsistence agriculture is a system of farming were the farmer grows crops and ki live stock for the needs of a family only there is no sulphurous for sale this is the type of the farming that has been existence in sales prehistoric times that farmers gross cropped that the family is the result animals that provided life for the family only it is only LED technology advances that other forms of agriculture was developed subsistence farming natural acceptance is a part of Asia Africa and Latin America the farms are small and the elves alo this is also intensive form of farming intensive subsistence farming the farmers cultivated small patch of land with simple tools and human never depend on the availability of right climate and soil as well as rainfall or other means of irrigation we can grow more than one crop in this type of farming is no, is thickly populated areas of Asia
Subsistence farming is growing food for your own and your family's direct consumption. Like a backyard vegetable garden, but with fruit, starch crops, and animals as well. Intensiveagriculture is anything that really works the land hard. The inputs cost money, so it is generally only done for profit.