Biology, asked by nishita99, 1 year ago

difference between success enteritis and pancreatic juice​


Answered by angelina17


“Enteritis” is a common general term for inflammation of the intestine. Conventionally the term is applied to all forms of bowel disease whether they are inflammatory, infectious or infiltrative in origin. A better overall term for bowel pathology is “enteropathy” since it is a more encompassing term which refers to any pathology of the intestine. Although Enteritis refers specifically to an inflammation of the intestine, making it a more specific term than “enteropathy,” the two are sometimes used interchangeably.

Pancreatic juice :

Pancreatic juice is a liquid secreted by the pancreas[1], which contains a variety of enzymes, including trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elastase, carboxypeptidase, pancreatic lipase, nucleases and amylase. The pancreas is located in the visceral region, and is a major part of the digestive system required for proper digestion and subsequent assimilation of macronutrient substances required for living.

Pancreatic juice is alkaline in nature due to the high concentration of bicarbonate ions. Bicarbonate is useful in neutralizing the acidic gastric acid, allowing for effective enzymic changes.

Pancreatic juice secretion is principally regulated by the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin, which are produced by the walls of the duodenum, and by the action of autonomic innervation.

The release of these hormones into the blood is stimulated by the entry of the acidic chyme into the duodenum.

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