Science, asked by naina88, 1 year ago

difference between the double salt and complex salt


Answered by akampan1

Double salts are molecular compounds which are formed by the evoporation of solution containing 2 or more salts in stoichiometric proportions.They dissociate into their constituent ions in solution

    eg:  K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O --> 2K^+ + 2Al^3+ + 4SO4^2- + 24H2O this is how it dissociates


A complex compound is a compound formed from a lewis acid and a lewis base.They don''t dissociate into its constituent ions in solutions

   eg:  Fe(CN)2 + 4KCN ---> K4[Fe(CN)6]

          K4[Fe(CN)6] on dissociation gives 4K^+ + [Fe(CN)6]^4-

In K4[Fe(CN)6] the individual components lose their identity.The metal of the complex ion is not free in solution unlike the metal in double salt solution

5 years ago

DOUBLE SALTS:- double salt exist only in solid state and dissociate into ions in aqueous solution or any other solvent.

* they loose their identity in aqueous solution or any othe solvent.

*the properties of the doublesalt same as their constituents.

*metal ions exhibits their normal valency.

COMPLEX COMPOUND:-complex compunds exhist in solid state as well as in water or any other solvent

*complex compounds donot completely loose their identity in aqueous solution.

*the properties of the complex compounds are different from their constituents

*metals ions surrounded by ions or neutral molecules beyond theiry normal valency.

Answered by sushiladevi4418

Let us find the difference between Double salts and coordination compounds


Double salts

They are association of many substances or we can say they mainly contain two salts in equimolar concentration .

like Mohr’s salt  FeSO₄.(NH4)₂SO₄.6H₂O


 In coordination compound once the compound is formed its ions or we can say compound as a whole do not loose their identity and when dissolved in water they show different properties whereas in case of double salts they don’t show different properties but looses their identity in water

{Co(NH₃)₆}Cl₃ --->  Co(NH₃)₆ + 3Cl (coordination compound in water )

 Coordination compounds exist in solid as well as aqueous state whereas the double salts exist in solid state and in aqueous state they dissociate into ions .

 The coordination compounds exist in extended octet whereas in double salts they exist in their own valencies .

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