Difference between the metal and non metals
Metals and non-metals are substances that can be differentiated on the basis of various physical and chemical properties. Metals are the elements that are generally hard as strong metallic bond exists between the atoms. As against non-metals are the elements which are usually soft.
Generally, the elements containing 1,2 or 3 electrons in the valence shell of their structure are known as metals. While the elements with 4, 5, 6 or 7 electrons in their outermost shell are known as non-metals.
A large number of elements present in the periodic table are metals while a minority of elements in the periodic table are non-metals
Metals are solid at room temperature, highly conductive of heat and electricity and are malleable and ductile in nature.
Non-metals can be solid, liquid or gaseous at room temperature, and are not conductive, malleable or ductile. There are various different elements present on Earth.