Difference between the Organic solidarity and mechanical Solidarity (5marks?
When various types of chemical or organic materials are used in military operations by soldiers then that operations are called as organic solidarity...
similarly, when various types of mechanical weapons (like AK-47) are used in military operations by soldiers then that operations are called as mechanical solidarity....
The main points of difference between ‘mechanical’ and ‘organic’ solidarity are given below
Mechanical Solidarity:
1. Mechanical Solidarity is related to primitive societies.
2. It is depends upon the analogy of its members.
3. It is initiated in societies having small population.
4. It is group of self-sufficient people who are engaged in related activities.
5. This kind of society does not tolerate differences and violation of norms.
Organic solidarity:
1. Organic solidarity is related to modern societies.
2. It is depends on the diversity of members.
3. It is found in the societies having large population and impersonal relationships.
4. It is a set of interdependent people.
5. This type of society is interdependent and tolerant on each other.
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