Political Science, asked by akhtarali77, 9 months ago

difference between theory of creation and theory of evolution​


Answered by raj22052003


Supernatural Creation Origin

There is an all-powerful personal God, who can and did intervene in this world.

God gave us the Bible, and inspired its writing. It is reliable for history, science, and theology.

The universe, our world, and all its inhabitants were created by God, as He told us in the Bible.

The complexities we see in everything around us are strong evidences of God’s design, testifying to the truth of the Biblical account.

Divine creation includes:

Sudden origin of Earth, stars, complex animals and people.

Physical laws of nature, also moral laws, were started just after creation, so that everything keeps on working right.

Humans were created on Day #6.

God is still capable of intervening in His own creation. He often answers prayers, etc., and sometimes has done mighty miracles.


The creative period only took 6 days.

Age of universe    <15,000 years.

Age of earth          <15,000 years.

Age of humankind <15,000 years.

The Great Flood of Noah covered the entire earth. Most of the sedimentary strata, with their fossils, were caused by this flood. A remnant of each kind of animal life was saved in Noah’s Ark.


We were created in the image of God, and have an everlasting life, either in Heaven or in Hell, both of which are real places.

God loves us, and sent his Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins. The Bible tells us to believe and accept Jesus as Saviour.

Materialistic Evolution Origin

If there is a God, He doesn’t interfere in the affairs of this world. He’s outside of the realm of science, and can’t be part of a scientific theory.

The Bible is just mythology and folklore.

All that we see, including humans, developed in a purely materialistic, random way.

There cannot be any design in nature. That would require a designer (an intelligent supernatural power) — a violation of the starting premise.

Materialistic origin includes:

Cosmological evolution (Big Bang, etc.)

Planetary & terrestrial evolution (the sun and solar system developed slowly from cosmic gas and dust).

Biological evolution (including chemical origin of life, then molecules-to-man evolution).

Humans evolved from ape-like ancestors.

Social evolution (situational ethics, no absolute morality).

This development took a very long time.

Age of universe    ~15,000,000,000 years.

Age of earth          ~ 4,500,000,000 years.

Age of humankind 3,000,000 years.

Uniformitarianism and naturalism can explain all the surface features of the earth. There was never a world-wide flood, but there have been several mass extinctions that eliminated majority of species.

Our bodies are simply blobs of chemicals, and when we die that’s the end of it. There is no eternal soul and no after-life.

The idea of a God becoming man, coming to Earth, dying, then coming back to life, and going back to Heaven, is nonsense.

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