difference between true rib and a floating rib? long ans pls
The first seven ribs attach to the sternum in the front and are known as true ribs. The lower 8, 9, 10 paired ribs do not directly connect to the sternum and are known as false ribs. 11 and 12 pair ribs are called as floating ribs which are half the size of the others and do not reach to the front of the body.
The ribs which are directly attached to the sternum/breast bone are known as true ribs.
This connection with ribs is anterior and only true ribs are attached to sternum.
posteriorly Ribs(ALL WETHER TRUE OE FLOATING ) are attached to vertebral coloumn
first 7 pairs of ribs are true ribs
These ribs instead of being attached to sternum are Free anteriorly.
But are posteriorly attached to vertebral coloumn just like true ribs
Last 2 pairs of ribs are false/floating ribs