Hindi, asked by rohansehrawat5429, 11 months ago

Difference between valmiki ramayana and ramanand sagar ramayan


Answered by Ayush995
This is a gift that just keeps on giving. Whenever TV channels are in doubt about what they should feed their viewers that isn’t the same, run-of-the-mill saas-bahu saga, they take shelter in mythology. Yes, it is more often Hindu mythology than anything else but the viewers don’t seem to mind.

Currently, the Hindi TV scene is riddled with mythological and historical shows and guess which one is more popular than all of them combined? Another adaptation of Valmiki’s holy text of Ramayana, Siya Ke Ram.

In 1986, exactly 30 years ago, Ramanand Sagar too caught the right nerve when he decided to televise the epic. The show was so incredibly popular, it even got its name on the Limca Book of Records for the World’s most watched mythological series. Streets would go bare, people would dine earlier than usual just to make it in front of the TV in time. Or at least that is what my parents have told me as it was long before I was even born.

Answered by MavisRee

वाल्मीकि रामायण :महिर्षि व्ल्मीकि द्वारा रचित रामायण मूल है इसकी रचना उन्होंने तब की थी जब रेता युग चल ही रहा था I क्योंकि जब सीता को धोबी के कहने पर  राजा राम के द्वारा त्याग दिया गया उस समय सीता ने विकल होकर अपने आप को गंगा की गोद नें दाल दिया उस समय सीता  गर्भावस्था में थी I किसी चट्टान के पास जाकर बहते हुए  वो अटक गयी थी तभी वाल्मीकि ने उन्हें बचाया और अपने आश्रम ले गए I वहीँ उन्हें लव कुश नाम के पुत्र हुए  I

रामानंद सागर द्वारा रचित कोई भी रामायण नहीं है Iउन्होंने तुलसी दास रचित रामचरितमानस के आधार पर रामायण नाम का धारावाहिक बनाया ,जिसमें कई रामायणों का मिश्रण है I

इनदोनों में कोई तुलना नहीं  की जा सकती है I

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