difference between xylem and phloem in a tabular form
* conducts water and mineral salts.
* conduction is unidirectional ie.water moves from the roots to the other parts of the plant.
* 3 out of 4 components of xylem are dead and only one is living ie.xylem parenchyma.
* tracheids and vessels are the conducting tissues.
* in addition to conduction it also provides mechanical support.
* conduct organic solution food materials.
* conduction is bidirectional ie.from the leaves to the storage organ and from here to the growing parts of the plants.
* 3 out of 4 components of pholem are leaving and only one is that ie. phloem fibres.
* sieve tubes with the help of companion cells helps in the conduction.
* provides no mechanical support to the plant.
Hope it will help you