differences between continental shelf and continental slope
Below the shelf break is the continental slope . Tis zone is much steeper than the continental shelf . At the base of the steep slope is the continental rise which finally merges into the deep ocean floor, the abyssal plain. The Continental shelf, slope and rise are part of the Continental margin
Continental Shelf (i) It joins shoreline with continental slope
(ii) Its slope is very gentle i.e., about 2 metres per km.
(iii) It is a shallow water area. Its depth is less than 200 metres
(iv) There are few canyons or deeps in the continental shelves.
(v) They have large stores of sand and gravel. (vi) They are of great use to man, particularly for fishing.
Continental Slope (i) It joins continental shelf with Abyssal Plain.
(ii) Its slope is very steep. The average gradient is about 4 degrees.
(iii) Its depth varies from 200 to 2000 metres. (iv) Deep canyons are found on the continental slopes.
(v) Very few land deposits are found on it. (vi) They are not of much use to man.