Differences between distributional and cadastral maps
Distribution maps indicate the distribution of any particular feature in an area. Distribution maps may be qualitative such as those representing vegetation or soil of a region, or quantitative, i.e., it may be representing population.
Distributions of continuous variables like temperature, pressure, rainfall, etc. are represented by lines of equal value such as Isotherm, Isobar, and Isohyets respectively.
Distribution maps help us to understand the distribution of different elements of he physical and biological environment in an area. From such maps it is pole to infer the relation between climatic conditions, soil type and land us in a region.
Cadastral Maps and Plans
Cadastral maps are a lot more specific, and although they’re widely used, there’s a good chance you won’t see one every day. The plans map out individual properties, offering details like boundary information when houses or land are surveyed, and can be joined together to create much larger cadastral maps. You’re likely to see a cadastral map when you get a house surveyed, and town planners will also deal with them a lot. Perhaps surprisingly, cadastral mapping is one of the oldest forms of mapping, with ancient Egyptians known to have developed cadastral records to establish ownership of land after flooding of the River Nile