Differences between turgor pressure and wall pressure...four points
Answer. Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by the cytoplasm on the cell wall. During osmosis, when the cell is placed in a hypotonic solution (solution with less solutes and higher water potential) water moves from solution into the cells. This causes the cytoplasm to build the pressure against the cell wall. This pressure is called as turgor pressure. This pressure is exerted by the protoplast against the cell wall due to the entry of water is called as pressure potential. It is the turgor pressure in the plant cells which helps the plants to be erect. As the cell walls are strong, cells do not rupture but enlarge in size to cause extension in growth. Wall pressure is the pressure applied by the cell wall on the contents of the cell. Wall pressure is opposite to the turgor pressure.
Turgor pressure -- It is the force within the cell that pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall.
Wall pressure -- It is tough , usually flexible but sometimes fairly rigid layer that surrounds some types of cells.