Physics, asked by saurabhmalviya88736, 7 months ago

differene between
Source and practical Voltage
Ideal Voltage
Praktial voltage
+ deal voltage​


Answered by TheDeadlyWasp


A voltage source is a two-terminal device whose voltage at any instant of time is constant and is independent of the current drawn from it.

Practically an ideal voltage source cannot be obtained. Sources having some amount of internal resistances are known as Practical Voltage Source.

Hope it helps..

Answered by IIJustAWeebII


Source Voltage

A voltage source is a two-terminal device which can maintain a fixed voltage. An ideal voltage source can maintain the fixed voltage independent of the load resistance or the output current. However, a real-world voltage source cannot supply unlimited current. A voltage source is the dual of a current source.

Practical Voltage

Sources having some amount of internal resistances are known as Practical Voltage Source. due to this internal resistance; voltage drop takes place, and it causes the terminal voltage to reduce. The smaller is the internal resistance (r) of a voltage source, the more closer it is to an Ideal Source.

Ideal Voltage

By definition, an ideal voltage source is a two-terminal element with the property that the voltage across the terminals is specified at every instant in time. This voltage does not depend on the current through the source. That is, any current in any direction could possibly flow through the source.

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