Biology, asked by mehedihasan98, 1 year ago

Different between chromatin fibre and chromosome


Answered by bhoomiarora2071

1.Chromosomes are rod like structure whereas chromatin is thred like structure
2.Chromosomes is present in nucleus during division of cells whereas chromatin is absent during duvision.
3.Chromosomes are thick and chromatin is thin.
4.Chromatin is unpaire whereas Chromosome is paired.
5.Composed of nucleosomes-a complex of DNA and proteins (called histones). Represent DNA folded on nucleoproteins by a magnitude of 50. The chromatin fiber is app. 10 nm in diameter. Chromosomes are condensed Chromatin Fibers. They are a higher order of DNA organization, where DNA is condensed at least by 10,000 times onto itself.

Answered by Priyapaul
Chromatin- In the nucleus the DNA double helix is packaged by special proteins to form a complex called chromatin. The Chromatin undergoes further condensation to form the chromosome.
Chromosome - A compact structure of nucleic acid and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells,carrying genetic information in the form of genes.

I hope it will help you.

Thank you
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