Biology, asked by anubhav9555, 1 year ago

Different between porifera and platyhelminthes


Answered by heyshona
Porifera:Members of this phylum are also called sponges .
2)they are mainly marine ,aquatic animals.
3)they have porous body.
4)they have cellular level of organisation.
5)they are diploblastic .
6)they are asymmetrical
1)members of this family are called flat worms.
2)they are mostly endoparasities .
3)the body is dorso-ventrally flattened and is without true segment .
4)this phylum shows the first appearance of organs .
5)they are triploblastic .
6)they have bilateral symmetry.
7)they are acoelomate
Answered by Anonymous

➧ Some Phylum in Animal Kingdoms are:-▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⤵

❶❭ Porifera:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is cylindrical & asymmetrical.

❱ Canal system is present.

❱ Cellular level of organisation.

❱ It is diploblastic.

❱ They reproduce by budding in Asexual Reproduction.

❱ Special cells are choanocytes.

❱ Skeleton is in the form of spicules.

▶Ex:- Sycon & Sponges

❷❭ Coelenterata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is Radially symmetrical.

❱ Canal system is absent.

❱ Tissue grade level of organisation.

❱ Body wall is diploblastic.

❱ Opening served by mouth & anus.

❱ Special Cell or Cnidoblasts.

❱ It occurs in the form of polyp & Medusa.

❱ It have gastrovascular cavity.

❱ It poses tentacles called Nematoblasts.

▶Ex:-  Hydra & Jellyfish

❸❭ Platyhelminthes:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical, flattened & Ribbon shaped.

❱ Digestive system is absent or incomplete.

❱ Body cavity is absent.

❱ Body is triploblastic.

❱ It is bisexual or Hermaphrodite.

❱ Respiration is an aerobic.

❱ They possess sućker.

❱ Circulatory or respiratory system is absent.

▶Ex:-  Planaria & Tape worm

❹❭ Nematoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical or cylindrical.

❱ Body has tissue level of organisation.

❱ It is mostly parasites organism.

❱ Body is triploblastic.

❱ Respiratory or circulatory system is absent.

❱ Sex are separate.

❱ They have tissue but no real organ.

▶Ex:-  Ascaris & Hook worm

❺❭ Annelida:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical & metamerically.

❱ Body structure ring-like segment.

❱ Respiration by gills or moist skin.

❱ Body is triploblastic.

❱ Excretory organs are nephridia.

❱ Digestive & circulatory system are well developed.

❱ Locomotory organs are parapodia.

❱ They have true body cavity.

▶Ex:-  Earthworm & Leech

❻❭ Arthropoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical & segmented.

❱ Exoskeleton shed periodically during growth.

❱ Body is covered with non living exoskeleton.

❱ Body wall is triploblastic.

❱ Body divided into head, Thorax & abdomen.

❱ It have jointed appendages.

❱ It possess compound eyes & antennae.

❱ Respiration by gills, trachea & book lungs.

▶Ex:-  Cockroach & Spider

❼❭ Mollusca:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical.

❱ Shell formed of calcium carbonate.

❱ Body covered with mantal & hard shell.

❱ Body is triploblastic & Coelomate.

❱ Body divided into head, foot & visceral mass.

❱ Foot is ventral & muscular.

❱ Respiration by gills or ctenida.

❱ Blood may be Black - blue.

▶Ex:-  Octopus & Unio

❽❭ Echinodermata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Body is radially symmetrical.

❱ Body size is spherical or cylindrical.

❱ Body surface covered with spines.

❱ Body is triploblastic & have coelomic cavity.

❱ It possess power of regeneration.

❱ No head tail right & left side.

❱ Body differentiated into oral & aboral surface.

❱ It have water vascular system.

▶Ex:-  Starfish & Antedon

❾❭ Chordata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟

❱ Nerve cord hollow tubular & dorsal.

❱ Notochord is present.

❱ Heart is ventral.

❱ Circulatory system is always closed.

❱ RBCs are present.

❱ Endoskeleton is present.

❱ A series of pharyngeal gill-silts present in the pharyngeal wall.


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