Different between rabi and kharif crop?
Rabi crops or rabi harvest are agricultural crops that are sown in winter and harvested in the spring in India.
Kharif crops, monsoon crops or autumn crops are domesticated plants like rice that are cultivated and harvested in India,
The cropping season ofKharif crops starts with the onset of monsoon and ends when the rainy season is over. On the other hand, Rabi crops are grown in winter, i.e. sown when monsoon ends and harvested before the advent of the summer season
Answer:Kharif crops
1) They are sown in June/July.
2) They are harvested in October/ November.
3) They are known as monsoon crops.
4) Examples include rice,maize.
5) They are grown in hot and wet seasons.
Rabi crops
1) They are sown in November/December.
2) They are harvested in March /April.
3) They are known as winter crops.
4) They are grown in cold and dry areas.
5) Examples include wheat, barley.
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