Science, asked by chhayafandat, 8 months ago

different between rhizobium and clostridium​


Answered by Vatsal2405



Nitrogen fixation can be done by either free-living organism or by forming a symbiotic association with plants. Free-living nitrogen fixers are Anabaena, Nostoc, Azotobacter, Clostridium, Aulosira, Bacillus species. While Rhizobium and Bacillus polymyxa forms a symbiotic association with roots to fix atmospheric nitrogen, pseudomonas is a denitrifying bacteria. Nitrococcus, Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas are the nitrifying bacteria that convert ammonia to the usable form of nitrogen for plants

Answered by sumipree26


Rhizobium : is a genus of Gram-negative soil bacteria that fix nitrogen. ... The bacteria colonize plant cells within root nodules, where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia using the enzyme nitrogenase and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds such as glutamine or ureides to the plant. Clostridium,: genus of rod-shaped, usually gram-positive bacteria, members of which are found in soil, water, and the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals. Most species grow only in the complete absence of oxygen. Dormant cells are highly resistant to heat, desiccation, and toxic chemicals and detergents.

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