Different philosophies and cults in hindu religion
Hindu philosophy, thus understood, not only includes the philosophical doctrines present in Hindu texts of primary and secondary religious importance, but also the systematic philosophies of the Hindu schools: Nyāya,Vaiśeṣika, Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Pūrvamīmāṃsā andVedānta.
They believe in the divinity of the Vedas, to be the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. They believe these hymns are god's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion which has neither beginning nor end.
Hindus believe in the repetitious Transmigration of the Soul. This is the transfer of one's soul after death into another body. This produces a continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth through their many lifetimes. It is called samsara.
They believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.