Different type of animal tissue
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Classification of Tissue Types
There are Four (4) Basic Types of Animal Tissue:
Epithelial Tissue
Covers body surfaces and lines body cavities
Connective Tissue
Binds and Supports body parts
Muscular Tissue
Enables movement of structures within the body and movement of the entire person/animal
Nervous Tissue
Enables responses to stimuli and coordinates bodily functions
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- A Tissue is a group of connected cells that have a similar function Within an organism.
There are four Basic Type of Animal tissue-
- Muscular tissue-It is responsible for the Movement in the body.It is of three types- 1.Stariated Muscule 2.Smooth muscle 3.Cardic muscle.
- Connective tissue- It connect,Support,bind or seperates other tissues or organ.There are various types of connective tissue-1.Blood 2.Cartilage 3.Ligament 4.Adipose 5.Aeroral 5.Tendons 6.Bone
- Nervous Tissue-It controls the body's Movement sends and carries singnal to and from the different part of the body and has a role in controlling bodily function such as digestion
- Epithelium Tissue - It is protective layer of Animal Body.It covers all organs and cavities within the body.There are mainly three types of epithelium tissue-1.Squamous epithelium 2.coloumnal epithilium 3.Cubiodial epithilium.

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