differential between plant cell and animal cell with the suitable figures
Plant Cell
- Large vacuole at the middle
- Have cell wall composed of cellulose
- Neucleus is at the periphery
- Plastid is present
Animal Cell
- Small vacuoles
- Does not have cell wall
- Neucleus is at the center
- Plastid is not present as they don't require photosynthesis
Characteristic Plant Cell Animal Cell
Cell shape Has distinct edges, Is irregular and round in shape.
usually square or rectangular in shape.
Cell wall Present Absent
Plasma membrane Present Present
Endoplasmic reticulum Present Present
Nucleus Present and lies on Present and lies in the
one side of the cell centre of the cell
Lysosomes Present but are very rare Present
Centrosomes Absent Present
Plastids Present Absent
Vacuoles Few large or a single, Usually small and numerous
centrally positioned vacuole
Cilia Absent Most of the animal
cells consist of cilia
Mitochondria Present, but fewer in number Are present and are numerous