Science, asked by yawatkarganesh23, 10 months ago

Differential men's that​


Answered by ANarenRio


hello friend I can't understand the question please mark me as the Brainliest and follow me

Answered by thrichu


arrangements.TO be alive is to be in motion. Although one does notobserve the motion that exists at the molecular, cellular,metabolic, and sensory levels, one can easily observe physicalmotion at a broader level in the simple actions of daily life. Inthis regard, activity is studied from various disciplinesincluding sociology, psychology, physiology, nursing, kinesi-ology, and medical rehabilitation. Having been the focus ofresearch that cuts across the physical and social sciences, thestudy of physical activity has spawned an enormous body ofempirical research covering the life span.Over the life span, physical activity appears to decline, thedecrease having been documented from infancy to youngchildhood (Chipperfield, 1986; Eaton, 1994) and more so from11 years of age to Grade 12 (Brodersen, Steptoe, Boniface, &Wardle, 2007; Schoenborn, 1986; Trost, Pate, et al., 2002). Ageis inversely related to physical activity among adults (Trost,Owen, Bauman, Sallis, & Brown, 2002) and among 18- to 95-year-old participants of the Baltimore Study of Aging (Talbot,Metter, & Fleg, 2000). Declines in physical activity are evidentinto very late life (e.g., Sihvonen, Rantanen, & Heikkinen,1998; Talbot et al., 2000) and even continue into the 80s

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