differentiate b/w parenchyma collencyma sclencyma
Parenchyma :-
- The cells are oval, rounded or polygonal in shape.
- They have Thin cell wall and living cells.
- Parenchyma helps in storage of food. It also provides support to the stem of herbaceous plants. It act as a packing tissue.
Collenchyma :-
- They are prismatic or elongated with the pointed ends.
- They have thick wall and living cells.
- Collenchyma provides mechanical support, elasticity, tensile strength and flexibility to the plant.
Sclerenchyma :-
- They are isodimetric or elongated fibrelike in shape.
- They have Thick wall and dead cells.
- Sclerenchyma is the chief mechanical tissue of the plant which provides strength and enables them to bear various stresses.
● The cells of parenchyma are living and posses the power of division.
● The parenchymatous cells are oval, round, polygonal or elongated in shape.
● The cell wall is thin and encloses dense cytoplasm containing small nucleus.
● This around a large central vacuole.
● Intercellular spaces are apendent in parenchyma.
● They also posses living cells.
● In collenchyma intercellular spaces are absent.
● The cells are elongated and irregularly thickened at the corners.
● These tissues are located below the epidermis of dycote stem and in midribs of leaves.
● They consist of dead cells and lack protoplasm.
● The walls of cells in this tissue are thickened with deposition of lignin.
● There is no intercellular space present in the cells.
● They contribute to the hardness of sead cot and nut shells.