Physics, asked by gdb5aaftabhattacharj, 3 months ago

Differentiate between:
1. Frictional force and gravitational force
2. Force and thrust
3. Electrostatic force and muscular force
4. Sliding friction and rolling friction
pls tell the ans fast​


Answered by hanan9367


1. force which resist motion & by force with which earth attract bory towards it self is call gravitational force.

2. force is an agent which is use to move or resist motion

3. the force act on static charge is call electro statuc force & and the force produce by muscles is called M.Force.

4. whe the body slide over other is call S.F and the friction work on circular body is call rolling friction, Rolling friction is always less then sliding Friction.

Answered by preethapunya


difference between fictional force and gravitational force

frictional force is when a body moves or tends to move on the surface of another body a force is experienced parallel to the surface which oppeses the relative motion between them.this is friction.

gravitational force is attractive force between the objects in the univers

this is differentiate between frictional force and gravitational force

hope this is helpful

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